It's time for another review and I've set my sights on Edinburgh's nightlife, Today's target is none other than the anything but smooth nightclub silk!
Last time I checked silk was a fine,smooth and expensive fabric, so obviously silk was going to be a classy joint... It's not.
If I was being generous I would say silk is about as classy as a night out, in a shellsuit, drinking bucky, in a needle infested bar...when you're twelve. But then again I would rather go out with OH MY GAWWWWD- Janice, than go there.
On the subject of tweleve odds are most of the clientelle are under the age of 18 seeing as you just walk straight on into silk!
I also personally think there should be a charity set up for the poor souls who have to work in silk doing PR for them it must be as soul destroying as watching an episode ' The Only Way is Essex'
Perhaps one of the highlights of the night has to have come from 1 of the 20 people that were there, as I witnessed 1 man being literally carried out of the premises by five bouncers. Like I said a real classy joint.
I think the real shame is that the decor is actually quite stylish believe it or not, give it a couple more weeks and the walls will be caked in fake tan...
Without a doubt, going to silk is like sex with gary glitter, dissapointing, underage; but not lacking in body glitter.
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